
Ignite Bainbridge is an all-volunteer event. Use this form to raise your hand and say, “I’d like to help”.


  • Help us get connections into publications with longer lead times.
  • Do you have PR expertise, to write a press release, get articles in the Review, Islander, other?
  • Get the word out about the opportunity to be a speaker to people in our community who have important ideas to share or stories to tell.


  • We need a couple of social media mavens to ramp up our game, to tweet and post to Facebook, and whatever else we should be doing to get the word out
  • Help us connect with sponsors who can donate or discount drinks and snacks for the before/after gatherings


  • Help us post posters! If you see spots that should have them, stop by OfficeXpats to pick some up. Available in both letter and tabloid size.
  • We need someone who can organize procuring and serving drinks and snacks for the pre-event mixer at OfficeXpats

May, on the night of the event:

  • We need traffic directors, ticket takers, food and drink managers, you name it!


I'd like to help make Ignite Bainbridge happen