Submit a talk!

(The information about workshops below is from a previous Ignite; we’re leaving it here for when we come around to this again. In the meantime, please use the form below to reach us with your ideas for an Ignite talk, particularly around the theme of “Reinventing Earth Day”).

Submissions are now open for the Ignite Bainbridge performance on Tuesday May 6, 2014. We have slots for 15-16 presenters, and we’d love to have you speak at this next Ignite. You do not have to have experience as a public speaker. We will help you get ready. Look below, under the submission form, for more resources about becoming a speaker.

Submit your talk and come to a workshop! Please tell us about your presentation, from just a kernel of an idea on up to a brief outline. Then, if you can, come to one or more of the monthly workshops. These are free group mentoring sessions at OfficeXpats to help you develop and practice your talk. These sessions are not mandatory, but coming to them to understand the format, practice in front of a friendly audience, and get feedback on what worked will help you get to that final lineup. Any alumni are invited and encouraged to come mentor the next batch of speakers and help you make your way on up to the stage.

Workshop Dates:

Save these dates! In addition to the topics listed below, each of the three workshops will offer time for you—as a prospective speaker—to get feedback from alumni on your idea, script, or completed presentation, and reminders for how to become an accepted presenter.

  • February 20, (Thursday) 6pm: Be prepared… the Ignite format… 5 minutes, 20 slides, a big idea. How to get started, planning your talk.
  • March 18, (Tuesday) 6pm:  Be concise… the script for your talk, what makes a good story, even in 5 minutes.
  • April 22, (Tuesday) 6pm: Be visual…  the rules and restrictions for building your slides, tips for big impact, how to submit your slides.


Submit a talk to the next Ignite Bainbridge

 The Ignite format: Each presentation will be 5 minutes long, and consist of 20 slides (slides advance automatically every 15 seconds). You can speak about anything you want.  Teach us something, inspire us, tell us what you are  passionate about, and maybe you will “ignite” that passion in your audience.  To that end, you can talk about your business or organization, but tell a good story and please do not use Ignite to “pitch” or try to sell us something. These presentations are meant to educate, inspire, and “ignite” ideas.  A good idea before submitting is to watch a few Ignite videos, at, Ignite on YouTube, or

The slides: If you’re a “Type A” and want to get a jump on the process, you can download this zip file which contains both a PPT and a Keynote template for you to use. You will need to convert your final presentation with the correct timings (20 slides, 15 seconds per slide) to Quicktime and submit a Quicktime movie as your final presentation.

Confirm your submitted talk and land a spot as a presenter! Show up to any workshop and ask to present your completed talk, or contact Linna Callaham at (206) 842-1707, or [email protected] and set up an alternate time. It is acceptable to read a script that you will memorize later for the performance. If you do not intend to have a script, present your slides with your rehearsed story.