International Ignite
Ignite is a fun, high-energy evening of 5-minute talks and socializing. The Ignite motto, “Enlighten us, but make it quick,” captures the spirit of the event. Speakers have only 20 slides, and 15 seconds per slide, to entertain and inform you!
Ignite was started in Seattle in 2006 by Brady Forrest of O’Reilly Radar and Bre Pettis of Make. Since then hundreds of 5 minute talks have been given across the world. There are thriving Ignite communities in Seattle,Portland, Sydney, Boulder, Baltimore, NYC and lots more.
Links we Love
If you’ve never been to an Ignite, you’ll get a feel for it by watching these great talks from past Ignites:
- Seattlite Scott Berkun’s “Why and How to Give an Ignite Talk” is a great intro to Ignite
- Cello rock star Zoe Keating asks “Should you quit your tech job and become a full-time musician?”
- Alexis Bauer tells you “How to Work a Crowd” (highly recommended for all introverts)
- Tim O’Reilly explains that “Language is a Map”
- Molly Nixon describes the economics of mice
- Matt Harding dances with people all around the world